We all need a helping hand; young people more.


To empower youth to become God fearing community transformers through creative programming.


Empowered youth transforming their communities.

Overall Goal

A critical mass of youth multipliers committed to the transformation of their communities for Christ.

Core Values

Tanari embraces the following core values as a guiding philosophy in all its operations.

Christ Centered

We do all for Christ.

Community Focus

We live and work in community.


We respond to the needs of youth – and their parents.


We research. We learn


In all our programming, we disciple youth


Tanari Trust is run through an oversight by a Board of Trustees who are appointed and represent the Trust Churches-the founders of the Trust. The churches are Nairobi Baptist Church, Nairobi Chapel, Karen Community Church, Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church and Buruburu Baptist Church. The activities of the Board are guided through the Trust Deed, By Laws, Board Charter and Statement of Faith.

The day to day and execution of the Trust’s mission is done by the Secretariat who are lead by an Executive Officer.

Board Members

Eng. Erastus Mwongera

Chairman, Nairobi Baptist Church

Ms. Julie Soweto

Nairobi Baptist Church

Mr. Henry Kinyanjui

Nairobi Chapel

Mr. Timothy Kowino

Nairobi Chapel

Mr. Stephen Karanja

Treasurer, Karen Community Church

Dr. Angeline Kinuthia

Karen Community Church

Mr. Sospeter Thiga

Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church

Pst. Jeff Masibo

Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church


Timothy Matheka

Executive Officer

Mugeci Githaiga

Programs Officer

Jason Kimani

Programs Assistant

Cynthia Mugure

Communications Assistant

Samuel Kirugumi

Camp Caretaker - Camp Malta

Toriko Pariken

Camp Caretaker - Oltepesi