Letter From A Teenager To The Parents


Dear mum and dad,

I urge you to sit down and take your time as you read this. At times all I want is for you to listen. I will not take much of your time – just 30 minutes. If only you would listen to my struggles; I wouldn’t turn to my friends or to social media. That friend of mine wouldn’t be a problem if we spoke more. Social media wouldn’t be my hiding place if we spoke more. The world would not be my teacher if you taught me.

You expect me to grow up yet you wouldn’t show me how. Weren’t you once a teenager? What were the lessons you learnt? What mistakes did you make? How did it shape who you are? Tell me. I am in the process of discovering self where do I find me? I am in a world that teaches through music, movies, video games, television, radio and social media.

All you ask about is schoolwork. That is perfectly ok but I want more than that. I want you to talk to me about growing up, I want you to talk to me about sex, dating and relationships. I want you to talk to me about purpose, I want you to talk to me about money, I want you to talk to me about Jesus, I want you to talk to me about the changing world but really I want you to talk to me about everything.

Mum, dad… I have desired conversations with you. I want to talk to you. I want to teach you about these games I love watching and playing. I want to tell you about that girl/boy I like, I want to tell you about my friends, I want to tell you about my dreams, I want to tell you about me but most of all I want to quality time with you. To talk with you and to do the fun stuff.

If I were to be honest, I don’t want to do the opposite of what you tell me to just to catch your attention. I don’t want to find attention in my friends, I don’t want to seek attention from my girlfriend/boyfriend, I don’t want to seek attention from social media or the television, I don’t want to find comfort in drugs or clubbing; truly I don’t want to catch your attention by being rebellious.

Dear Mum and dad sometimes all I want to hear is you love me but most of all I want you to show that you love me.

With Love,

From Your teenage child with love

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A Letter To My Younger Self – Part One

Hello love! I know you’re not used to calling yourself that but believe me when I say you will soon. Well…not so soon but you will. Stop rolling your eyes